Dec. 14, 2012: Seven to Doomsday Dec. 13 Dec. 15 2012 FOTD Home

seven to doomsday

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: 

Today there are only seven short days before the end of time, and we all know how quickly a day can go by.  But even when we are all gone, fractals will continue forever, so who am I to give up on fractals when they will never give up on me.

Today's image is a view of the mysterious Z^(2.003) rectangle as it appears when rotated 4 degrees from the Julia direction toward the oblate direction.  At this angle the original rectangle appears more like a fan partly filled with debris, but in this debris a new shorter and wider rectangle has appeared.

The features surrounding the rectangle have been altered to the point of unrecognizability, though a few patches of the pure Julia features still remain.  And even though today's change is great, you ain't seen nothing yet!

The name "Seven to Doomsday" simply tells the time remaining for each of us to exist.  The calculation time of 2-1/2 minutes cuts into this brief time, but let's eat, drink and be merry today, for in seven days we . . .?

Lots of sun and a temperature of 46F +8C made today quite pleasant here at Fractal Central.  While the cats watched the world go by, the humans kept busy preparing for the upcoming holidays, which will be in the past in 19 days -- that is unless the day of doom arrives in only seven days, in which case the holidays will never end.

The next FOTD is due to be posted in 24 hours, so check for it then.  Until next time, take care, and there has been another mass shooting.  Ho hum!  Such mass shootings are becoming all the rage among the trendy set.  It looks like everyone wants a slice of the action!

But murder is wrong!  Something must be done!  So why don't we ban all private possession of firearms?  Then when a lunatic shoots up a school and kills some kids, we'll be able to charge him with possession of an illegal and probably stolen firearm.  With such a serious charge hanging over his head and possible imprisonment facing him, even the most determined lunatic would think twice before killing innocent people.

My opinion -- to ban all firearms would be futile.

My solution -- to change the materialistic, technologically advanced but spiritually bankrupt world view of our modern culture, which makes our existence appear meaningless and totally hopeless.  (And I don't mean we should go out and try to persuade people to believe in any particular religion.)

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Seven_to_Doomsady  { ; time=0:02:30.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=SliceJulibrot4 passes=1 float=y
  03/0 maxiter=2750 inside=0 logmap=58 periodicity=6
  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz }

frm:SliceJulibrot4   {; draws all slices of Julibrot
  pix=pixel, u=real(pix), v=imag(pix),
  ca=cos(a), cb=cos(b), sb=sin(b), cg=cos(g),
  sg=sin(g), cd=cos(d), sd=sin(d),
  r=u*sg+v*ca*sb*cg, s=v*sin(a), esc=imag(p5)+9
  c=p+flip(q)+p3, z=r+flip(s)+p4:
  |z|< esc }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================