Baseball Is Only a Game
Ten thousand balloons soared and jostled in the night sky. My dream was
a variation on that lovely Apple®
iPhone ad –
but all
of my
balloons were bright blue. I was in Chicago, dancing with the Cubs
fans. We were dancing for joy, because we had won, we had won, we had
And it was all true.
Well, it was almost
all true.
I wasn’t really in Chicago. At midnight Eastern time, after
watching the ninth inning of the seventh game of the 2016 World Series,
I turned off the TV and went to bed. I was too wrung out to face the
extra innings. I believed in the
legendary Curse of the Billy Goat – not literally, but
emotionally, in every corner of my tired, battered
soul. I “knew” that the miracle was not going to
If only I had stayed awake for one more inning!
On the surface, my life is no different today than it was yesterday.
But I am ridiculously, irrationally happy. I have seen the end of a
108-year-old losing streak. What other miracles are possible?
Logically, I know that baseball is only a game, and that there is no
such thing as a curse. But I also know that the human mind is one of
the most powerful forces on earth. We live on many levels; our beliefs
and our symbols affect our lives in ways that most of us never
Our minds are hard-wired to make sense out of chaos. That is why we
automatically find faces and animals in the random shapes of clouds.
Skeptics say that this universal tendency is the force which fuels the
beliefs of conspiracy theorists, ghost hunters, and would-be
Fans who needed an explanation for the Cubbies’ long losing
streak found one in 1945, when tavern owner William Sianis and his goat
Murphy were thrown out of a World Series game because of
Murphy’s body odor. Sianis got mad, and he stayed mad. He
told a
that until they let the goat in, the Cubs would never win another World
As far as we know, Sianis was not a wizard. He lit no candles; he
sacrificed no chickens. He simply made a prediction which became
legendary when it seemed to come true.
Over time, the image of “Cubs as lovable
losers” became set in the public consciousness. It has been
too easy to
identify with them. After I watched the Cubbies blow their early lead
in Game Seven, I was absolutely certain that they were goners. Why? Was
it my belief
in the curse, or simply my habitual negative thinking? Too many of us
create our own “curses.”
Baseball is only a game. We can take it seriously, or we can simply
enjoy its grace and beauty. In life, as in baseball, we travel in
circles. We fall down, strike out, drop the ball, and find endless
creative ways to embarrass ourselves. Once in a while, we get to be
In the end, we always find our way home.
Introduction to a Puzzle
happens when
word search meets crossword? Add a dose of punning and pop culture,
and you get a unique word puzzle called "CrosScan."
CrosScan is word search with a twist. You are given a word search grid
with crossword-style clues instead of a word list. The theme of the
puzzle is
hidden; it will emerge during the solving process. Clues often contain
puns and double meanings, but they all make sense once you figure out
the theme.
Each finely-crafted puzzle has about 40 words and enough leftover
letters to form a quotation related to the theme. It’s a
mind-stretching challenge – not overwhelmingly difficult, but
definitely not a piece of cake.
The 84 puzzles in this
book will give you many hours of solving
Do not start with Clue #1, #2, etc. That is the hard way.
- Visually
the letter block to discover words. Words can be read backward,
forward, up, down, or diagonally. It's a good idea to look
for diagonal words first.
- When
find a word, count the number of
letters. Then look at the word
list and find the clues which have that number indicated in parentheses.
- Match
the word you found with a clue. Check off the clue, and circle or
highlight the word in the letter block. Do not circle a word in the
letter block if you can't find a clue to match it.
- When
you find enough
words to discover the theme, you should be able to work
back and forth, using clues to find words.
- Hint:
puzzle contains a
“star,” in which words coming
from all eight directions
meet in one central letter.

fan Bill Murray was very present during the 2016 World Series.
Murray’s character in the
movie Groundhog
Day experienced
an epic losing streak, but he
finally learned to view his experience as "a
long and lustrous winter."
Titles of movies, books, plays and other long works should be
italicized. When referring to a smaller part of a larger work,
marks should be used. For instance, "Metamorphosis" was an episode of
television show Star Trek.
When the complete name
of a time zone is written, all
words should be capitalized, e.g., Eastern Standard Time. When a more
abbreviated form is used, only the region should be capitalized, e.g.,
"midnight Eastern time."

samples of CrosScan puzzles, please click on the image
above. The CrosScan home page links back to the Belle Vista home page.
create these puzzles in partnership with Bill Cobb, the inventor of the
CrosScan concept. I also design the books.
Homonyms are words which are pronounced the same but
have different meanings. The spelling of the words may be the same or
different, e.g., "bore" and "boar." Because there are many homonyms in
the English
language, it is easy for us to use puns when writing CrosScan clues.