Sept. 12, 2013: Floating Star Sept. 11 Sept. 13 2013 FOTD Home
  Rating A-7, M-6

floating star

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: 

Today's image returns us once again to the Julibrot of the past several days.  Today we check the Mandeloid created when Z is initialized to the third critical value, which is -0.975...  This Mandeloid shows the greatest degree of difference from the non-critical one that results when initial Z equals zero.

Yesterday's image rather resembled a minibrot totally isolated from its 'outside' surroundings.  The image was a sham, since the disconnection was achieved by the coloring.  Today's image is the real thing however.  It was found inside a strange mini Mandeloid just inland of the northwest shore line of the parent fractal.  This mini Mandeloid has a bit of disconnected debris in its center, with today's scene lying in this debris.

The result is a minibrot totally cut off from the rest of the fractal by a ring of 'inside' stuff.  The minibrot is actually doubly disconnected.  And yes, the open hole that contains the minibrot and its 'star' is symmetrical, as is true of almost all features surrounding minibrots.

Since the minibrot's immediate 'outside' surroundings are shaped like a star, I named the image "Floating Star".  The heavily blue cast I gave to the image emphasizes the stellar appearance.

The ratings could have been a point higher if the theme were not becoming so shopworn.

The calculation time of 7-1/4 minutes might be a bit much to ask to see the image.  Visiting the web sites is a better deal.

Today was partly cloudy and very humid until mid-afternoon, with a temperature of 84F 29C.  But then a heavy thunder shower suddenly arose and dropped the temperature to 72F 22C.  The crackling lightning striking within 100 meters or so sent the fractal cat scurrying for cover again.  He came out as soon as the all-clear was sounded.  Other than the excitement of watching the big storm, the fractal humans had an uneventful day.

The next FOTD will be posted when the same particle entity can be in two different places at the same time.  Since this is already the case, the FOTD will be posted in the near future.  Until bilocation occurs, take care, and real magic might be irrational, but according to quantum science, it does exist.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Floating_Star      { ; time=0:07:15.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=MandelbrotMix3a function=ident passes=1
  /414258.8/1/-35/0 params=0.1/2/1/3/0.5/6/0.01/-1/\
  -0.9753887460956279/0 float=y maxiter=1500 inside=0
  logmap=12 periodicity=6
  zE8zD9zCAztgzhZzYRzNJzHoz }

frm:MandelbrotMix3a {; Jim Muth
z=real(p5), c=fn1(pixel), a=real(p1), b=imag(p1),
d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=real(p3), h=imag(p3),
j=real(p4), k=imag(p4), l=imag(p5)+100:
|z| <=l }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================