Sept. 18, 2012: Ring Around the World Sept. 17 Sept. 19 2012 FOTD Home
 Rating 7

ring around the world

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: 

Today's image is a scene on one of the five tiny stems of the Z^(6.003)+C Mandeloid.  The stem in question differs from the other four because it lies directly on the negative X-axis, where the fractal break-up begins.  The other stems are virtually identical to those of the Z^(6)+C Mandeloid.

The area I checked lies just east of the large minibrot, the area where the strange rectangles of the Z^(2.003)+C Mandeloid are found.  In today's Z^(6.003)+C Mandeloid there are no rectangles, but rather an area of partly-merged, moth-eaten minibrots connected by a complex network of cobweb-like filaments.  Today's image shows one of these networks.

The rating of a 7 seems about right.  Perhaps if I had put more effort into the coloring I might have raised the rating a half-point or so, but when I first saw the image I found too little potential in it.

The name "Ring Around the World" does not refer to a dream of universal comradeship, which will forever remain a dream, it refers to the circular spider filament surrounding the central 'whatever it is' open area.

The calculation time of 4-1/2 minutes is true when the image is calculated with the passes set to 1.  This time may be cut by rendering the scene with the passes set to 'g'.  Doing this will cause some of the thinner filaments to drop out however.

Dark clouds, gusty winds and torrential rain showers totally spoiled things here at Fractal Central.  The temperature of 72F 22C was fair enough for outdoor activity, but not with the rain falling.  The fractal cats, weather prognosticators that they are, knew that the foul day was coming, and when it arrived they shrugged it off with a thrash of their tails.  The humans, (at least we still were when we last checked), had too much indoor stuff to finish to be concerned with a rainy day.  Unless I am mistaken, the next FOTD will be posted in a day or so.  Until whenever, take care, and remember those 1960's protests?  Go out today and protest about whatever you wish.  The 1960's are gone and not coming back.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

RingAroundTheWorld { ; time=0:04:30.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=slices.frm
  formulaname=MandelbrotN passes=1
  /3.178357e+009 params=6.003/0/0/0/0/0 float=y
  maxiter=1750 inside=0 periodicity=6
  bbCceCehCfkCgnCiqCjtCkqFi }

frm:MandelbrotN {; Jim Muth
b=p1, z=p2, c=p3+pixel:
|z| <= 16 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================