October 28, 2013: Deep Blue Oct. 27 Oct. 29 2013 FOTD Home
  Rating A-8, M-5

deep blue

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: 

We return today to the best known fractal of all, the Mandelbrot set, where we check the main stem and find a minibrot on a high-order filament radiating from a series of ever-smaller minibrots.

Most of the somber effect is due to my coloring, which earns the art aspect an excellent 6.  Since the M-set is the best known of all fractals, the math is so familiar that I could rate the math aspect no higher than a 5.

The name "Deep Blue" refers to the heavy color scheme.  Yes, my colors do seem to be becoming more depressive lately, but there is nothing much I can do about it, since I am only partly in control of the appearance of the images.  (To see a change in the appearance of the image, reset the bailout to 10.)

The scene lies deep enough to make arbitrary precision math necessary.  This greatly slows the calculation time, but the main stem is a fast area for arbitrary precision math, and the final calculation time of 1-3/4 minutes is well within reason.  If any unreason remains, the web sites can bring a return to the world of reason.

Near perfect end-of-October weather prevailed here at Fractal Central today.  The older fractal cat tried to enjoy the sun on his shelf, but the new fractal cat kept annoying him by batting at his dangling tail.  He finally had enough and tucked his tail under him.  The fractal humans had a slow but pleasant day.

The next FOTD will be posted in the proper time.  Until we find out what time is proper, take care, and a rational world view would be far simpler to maintain if rational physicists doing serious science didn't keep theorizing invisible worlds that obviously remind people of the spirit worlds claimed to exist by spiritualists.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Deep_Blue          { ; time=0:01:45.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=mandel center-mag=-1.9397042121995\
  -152.5/0 params=0/0 float=y maxiter=1500
  inside=0 logmap=144 periodicity=6
  zCzzCzzBzzBzzAzz9zz9zz8zz }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================