October 18, 2013: First Light from Vega Oct. 17 Oct. 20 2013 FOTD Home
  Rating A-7, M-6

first light from vega

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: 

Today's fractal lies in the same parent fractal as yesterday's.  To find today's image, I checked a filament in the East Valley area of the obvious minibrot just north of the main body of the parent instead of yesterday's tiny spike on the positive X-axis.

What I found near the minibrot is mostly typical East Valley features, but with enough extra decorations to make a deeper view worth the effort.  I eventually settled on a tiny minibrot -- the one that appears at the center of today's image.

I colored the scene to give the appearance of a series of ridges surrounding the minibrot, but unfortunately, the coloring is not enough to raise the art rating above a merely adequate 7.  Since we have been on the same math theme for a couple weeks, the math rating is only a 6.

The name "First Light From Vega" has no relation to the image.  It is the name of a long forgotten drawing I did many years ago.  I have no idea why the name popped into my head today, but it sounds kind of arty, so this will be the name of today's fractal.

The calculation time of 4-1/4 minutes borders on being unacceptably slow, but is still within reason for those with fast machines that can do DOS.  Visiting the web sites will make the task of viewing the image simpler and faster however.

A cloudy morning gave way to a mostly sunny afternoon here at Fractal Central today, with a seasonal temperature of 61F 16C.  The fractal cat, Nicholas, was more interested in the new arrival, an all-black little girl named Jasmine, than in the outside conditions.  He considers the 7-week-old an unwanted newcomer, and lets her know who is boss with occasional apparently harmless hisses and growls.  The newcomer is still frightened of the oversized resident fractal cat with the foul mouth, but when the big guy is out of sight, she is quite eager to explore her new surroundings.  It will take some time for them to grow accustomed to each other's behavior.

Other than keeping an eye on the fractal cat situation, the fractal humans had an uneventful day.  We're taking a trip back to Old Fractal Central tomorrow, so the next FOTD will not be posted until at least October 20.  Until the next FOTD time actually arrives, whenever that might be, take care, and most people agree that something is wrong with the direction in which our culture is taking the world.  Now let's try to agree on exactly what is wrong with us and our culture, and what if anything might be done about it.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

FirstLightFromVega { ; time=0:04:15.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=MandelbrotMix3a function=ident passes=1
  8.337e+011/1/72.5/0 params=0.5/1/0.5/-1/0.5/2/0.25\
  /3/-1.176222776541/0 float=y maxiter=1750 inside=0
  logmap=189 periodicity=6 mathtolerance=0.05/1
  zz6zz8zzAzzCzzEzzDzzFzz5z }

frm:MandelbrotMix3a {; Jim Muth
z=real(p5), c=fn1(pixel), a=real(p1), b=imag(p1),
d=real(p2), f=imag(p2), g=real(p3), h=imag(p3),
j=real(p4), k=imag(p4), l=imag(p5)+100:
|z| <=l }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================