October 11, 2011: Conventional Limits Oct. 10 Oct. 12 2011 FOTD Home
  Rating 8


Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:

Today's image is named "Conventional Limits".  The name refers to the image's magnitude of over 3*(10^13), which is right at or a little beyond the useful limit of the conventional math routine.

The image is a very high iteration scene rather deep in the north branch of Seahorse Valley.  The logmap value of 91500 is perhaps the largest in FOTD history, though I do not keep a record of this.  The maxiter of 1000000 has been exceeded many times however.  The record is 2147483647, which is the maximum value permitted by the program.

The calculation time of only 5-1/4 minutes is due to the speed of the type=mandel formula on my 2000mhz machine.  On the old 200mhz unit, which still sits idly on a nearby table, the image would take well over an hour to finish.  (An arbitrary-precision version would take about one week on the old machine.)

The rating of an 8 is the highest in several days, once again showing that the wonders of the Mandelbrot set are nowhere near being exhausted, and never will be.  (Regardless of how much is taken from infinity, an infinite amount always remains.)

Today began with dense fog here at Fractal Central.  The fog lifted in the late morning, revealing a partly cloudy sky.  The temperature of 73F 23C was pleasant for mid October, but the pleasant conditions will soon end.  The forecast is for rain tonight, as well as Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  The local farmers prayed for rain all through June and the first half of July.  With the 32 inches 80cm of rain that has fallen since the middle of July, I feel their prayers have been adequately answered.  (And from what I hear on the local news, so do they!)

The fractal cats, who always keep their paws dry, spent the day plotting mischief, while FL and I kept the mischief from happening.  The next FOTD will be posted in 24 hours.  Until then, take care, and how will the world ever agree on peace when it can't even agree on which religion is true?

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

ConventionalLimits { ; time=0:05:16.54-SF5 on P4-2000
  reset=2000 type=mandel passes=1 float=y inside=0
  39/3.2935e+013/1/-37.5/0 params=0/0 maxiter=1000000
  logmap=91500 periodicity=10 mathtolerance=0.05/1
  6bY5cY5cY5dY5eY5eY5fY5fY5 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================