October 25, 2010: Seahorse Abomination | Oct. 24 | Oct. 26 | 2010 | FOTD Home |
and enthusiasts:
Today's image is a "Seahorse Abomination", which is what I named it.
Seahorse Valley never deserved to have such things done to
it. The valley is a nice little place, a four-dimensional
complex, so what have we done to the innocent valley to cause the gross
disruption apparent in today's image?
To begin, the image is not a Julia set of the familiar Seahorse Valley
of the Mandelbrot set. It is a Julia set of Seahorse Valley
of the Quaternion Mandelbrot set, which is actually an
eight-dimensional Julibrot complex, with a 4-D Mandelbrot aspect and a
4-D Julia aspect.
I'll not go into details about the wonders of the eighth dimension; I'm
still working on understanding the fourth. But one thing
certain is that in 8-D space, 28 two-dimensional planes pass through
every point, with every plane perpendicular to all the others.
(There is something puzzling about the two quaternion
formulas. Today's image was created by the type=quatjul
formula, which plots Julia sets. This formula has six
variable parameters, all of which are necessary if we are to move off
from the screen in the six perpendicular directions. Yet the
type=quat formula, which plots Mandelbrot sets, has only two changeable
parameters [plus two unused parameters] both of which have the same
effect, giving the impression that the quaternion Mandelbrot set is a
simple three-dimensional thing that would result from rotating the
classic M-set around the X-axis.)
Be that as it may, today's image, with its minor mathematical interest
and only slightly better artistic worth, rates a 6.
The fireball-fast calculation time of under 3 seconds will leave little
time to wonder about higher dimensions before the image bursts onto the
screen in a blaze of mediocrity.
Sunday here at Fractal Central featured a mixture of sun and clouds,
and a very pleasant temperature of 70F 21C. The fractal cats
complained that there was not enough sun then went to sleep on the
living room carpet.
After my trip back to the nostalgia-infested land of Old Fractal
Central on Saturday, Sunday seemed relaxing. (Though I still
wish the Phillies had won the NL pennant.) FL occupied
herself wondering why I end my FOTD discussions with so many 'silly and
unanswerable' comments.
The next FOTD will be posted in the generally accepted 24
hours. Until then, take care, and if the belief in God and an
afterlife is a defense mechanism evolved to enable us to cope with the
awareness of our ultimate mortality, how would society react if it were
ever demonstrated beyond all doubt that these things do not exist?
Jim Muth
START PARAMETER FILE=======================================
SeahorseAbomnation { ; time=0:00:02.70-SF5 on P4-2000
reset=2004 type=quatjul center-mag=-0.0300864/0.01\
38653/1.05286/1/32.5/0 params=-0.75/-0.055/-0.113/\
-0.013/-0.048/-0.134 float=y inside=0 periodicity=0
END PARAMETER FILE=========================================