Nov. 14, 2014: The Great Luau Nov. 13 Nov. 16 2014 FOTD Home
  Rating A-8, M-6

the great luau

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:  

Today's image is a scene deep in the Z^(2.003)+C Mandeloid.  This is the same expression that creates the Julia sets with the strange rectangles.  But there are no rectangles in today's image, since the parent fractal was calculated two levels up the complex logarithmic hyperladder, where it appears as a near perfect Mandelbrot set rotated so that the main spike points southeast.

Today's scene lies in what would normally be the northeast shore line of the main bay of the M-set, but in today's abnormal rotation, this area of the northeast shore line lies on the negative X-axis.  Today's image lies in this area, very close to the X-axis, which is acting like a cutoff point, causing the surroundings to surge inward toward the minibrot.

The sparkling effects were created by rendering the image with the outside set to the 'real' option and the inside set to a brilliant white.  The name "The Great Luau" has no relation to the appearance of the image or to a Hawaiian feast.  It simply came to mind out of nowhere, and means nothing.

The art rating of an 8 might be a bit too liberal, while the math rating of a 6 might be too conservative.  It is up to the individual viewer to decide what the image is actually worth.

The calculation time of 1-1/2 minutes is fast enough to keep impatience at bay.  And visiting the web sites will make calculation totally unnecessary.

It felt like a midwinter day here at Fractal Central today.  The brisk northwest wind made the temperature of 39F +4C feel more like zero, (F or C, take your choice), while the dark scudding clouds were a sign that real winter is nigh.  The fractal cats, who are almost always nigh, did not concern themselves with the outdoor conditions.  They had a bigger job making sure that the food was nigh.  The fractal humans did nothing worth reporting.

The next FOTD will be posted, this much is sure, but there is no guarantee when it will appear.  Until whenever, take care, and always be aware of those who would violate our rights, but be sure you accuse the true violators.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

The_Great_Luau     { ; time=0:01:30.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=BranchCutGenFn function=ident passes=1
  /2.6e+011/1/97.5/0 params=2.003/2 float=y
  maxiter=2500 inside=255 outside=real logmap=275
  periodicity=6 mathtolerance=0.05/1
  9019019018018017017017zzz }

frm:BranchCutGenFn        { ; Jim Muth
|Z|<100 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================