Nov. 3, 2014: Poachers Afoot Oct. 31 Nov. 4 2014 FOTD Home
  Rating A-7, M-3

new near julia set

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:  

Today for a change we brush aside the fancy formulas and return to the simplest fractal formula of all -- Z^2+C -- the formula that creates the Mandelbrot set.  We check the East Valley of a tiny minibrot on the main spike of the M-set, where we find today's scene, which consists of an almost invisible minibrot surrounded by a flat pancake-like disk with four elephant heads arranged symmetrically around its edge.

When I saw the elephant heads but no bodies, I thought that poachers must be in the vicinity, killing the elephants to take their tusks back to the developing eastern countries, where they will sell them at a huge profit.  I fail to see poachers in the image however, so all I could do was assume that they are still prowling around the area.  I named the image "Poachers Afoot".

The elephant heads are surrounded by a field of deep blue, which perhaps reflects my sadness that, thanks to human nature, these mighty animals might soon be extinct.  In my opinion, this blueness makes the art worth a 7.  The totally familiar math aspect rates only a 3, and even this might be an over-rating.

One thing not in doubt is the faster-than-light calculation time of 10 seconds.  The web sites can even save the task of running the parameter file.

A mix of clouds and sun, and a temperature of 61F 16C made today rather pleasant here at Fractal Central.  The fractal cats took turns sunning themselves on the window shelf, while the humans took care of the human things.  The next FOTD will most likely be posted in 24 hours.  Until then, take care, and may the best man win, whoever he might be.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Poachers_Afoot     { ; time=0:00:10.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=mandel center-mag=-1.5216713021620\
  47/-0.00001895322083117/1.019819e+011 params=0/0
  float=y maxiter=3600 bailout=9 inside=0 logmap=380
  periodicity=6 mathtolerance=0.05/1
  MzzMzzNzzOzzOzzPzzPzzQzzR }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================