Nov. 30, 2012: Art-Deco Breakup Nov. 29 Dec. 2 2012 FOTD Home
  Rating 7

art-deco breakup

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: 

Early in their fractal explorations, beginning fractalists discover that the higher dimensional fractals hold little of interest.  To put it bluntly, the images all look the same.  But to disprove a point, I present today's image, which lies in the very narrow ring of interest at the western edge of the Z^(100)+C Mandeloid.

The unexpected action was created by calculating the image with the 'exp' function applied to initial C.  This slight addition changed the entire nature of the image.  Instead of a screen filled with similar minibrots, we have an interesting assortment of effects, including a vertical range of resolution, from near perfect at the top to total breakdown at the bottom.  Curiously, though the large scale breakup is quite obvious, the small-scale edges of the breaks are well resolved.

The lower half of the image in particular has an art-deco feeling about it.  The name "Art-Deco Breakup" refers to this resemblance.  The rating of a 7 is FOTD average.  The calculation time of 1-1/3 minutes is also near average.

A mix of sun and clouds with a temperature of 43F +6C made today the latest in a string of similar days here at Fractal Central.  The fractal cats passed the day watching the outside conditions as well as each other.  The humans did a lot less watching and notably more working.  The next FOTD fractal will be posted around December 2.

Until whenever, take care, and pseudoscientific occultists claim there are higher-dimensional realities they call astral planes.  Totally scientific physicists claim there are higher dimensional realities they call parallel alternate universes.  As for me, I'm waiting to see some kind of solid proof that any of these invisible worlds actually exist.  (Of course, by definition they are invisible, so how can anyone find solid proof?)

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Art-Deco_Breakup   { ; time=0:01:20.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=slices.frm
  formulaname=MandelbrotFNC function=exp passes=t
  center-mag=-34.2/0/0.3267943/1/90/0 params=100/0/0\
  /0/-1.007026054383232/0 logmap=9 maxiter=1800
  inside=0 float=y periodicity=0 mathtolerance=0.05/1
  mOG2RA3hVT`X`TZgL`nEbuCYt }

frm:MandelbrotFNC {; Jim Muth
b=p1, z=p2, c=p3+fn1(pixel):
|z| <= 16 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================