Nov. 23, 2012: Total Absurdity Nov. 21 Nov. 25 2012 FOTD Home
 Rating 6

total absurdity

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: 

Today's image places the emphasis on the large minibrot on the main stem of the Mandelbrot set.  Yes, that is the large minibrot itself, appearing as the two large bays at the top of today's image.  The M-set is the half-squashed thing at the bottom right of the frame.

The name "Total Absurdity" refers to the ridiculous distortion of today's image, and also to a comment I heard on the lunch-time news show.

The image rates a 6, a point above the most recent Mandelbrot distortion, yet well below FOTD average.

The calculation time of 1-1/4 minutes is mercifully brief.  The image is also avaliable on the web sites.

Morning sun gave way to afternoon clouds here at Fractal Central today.  The temperature of 54F 12C was mild enough, but a cold front is drawing close, and by Saturday we'll be lucky to see a high of 41F +5C.  The fractal cats spent the day taking it easy, while the humans tended to human chores.  The next FOTD will be posted when the time is right.

Until whenever, take care, and believe it or not, on the lunch-time news show today, a so-called 'scientist', (I wonder if he really was a scientist.),  was asked what we might do about global warming.  He ignored the question and replied 'put the electric wires underground'.  If this were economically possible, which at a cost of several million dollars per mile, it is not, it would certainly improve the appearance of our surroundings, but it didn't seem to prevent a massive outage in Manhattan when they were flooded, and I'm not sure how it would fight global warming.  The question of what the 'scientist' thought we might do about global warming, remained unanswered.

BTW, my solution to the problem of power outages is to return to the instruction book and trim *all* the trees that might fall on power lines in a wind or ice storm.  My solution to global warming is to stop debating whether it exists, (it does), and to spend our money preparing for it instead of wasting energy trying to pass futile laws to slow or stop it.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Total_Absurdity    { ; time=0:01:15.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=MandelbrotFN function=exp
  params=2/0/0/0/-1.768651397/0.001551282 float=y
  maxiter=7500 inside=0 logmap=yes periodicity=0

frm:MandelbrotFNC {; Jim Muth
b=p1, z=p2, c=p3+fn1(pixel):
|z| <= 16 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================