November 17, 2010: What Happened Here Nov. 16 Nov. 18 2010 FOTD Home
 Rating !!!


Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:



Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:

Today's image will begin calculating toward the center of the screen.  This is no error.  Instead of a 4-3 width-height ratio, today's image has a much wider 2-1 ratio.

Today's image rates a triple bang.  This means it is of exceptional mathematical interest, though of only moderate artistic value.  The formula is a new one, so be sure to enter it into one of your formula files.

The new formula takes the basic Mandelbrot expression and simply adds a variable function to both initial Z and C.  The effect of the 'exp' (exponential) function that I applied to initial C in today's image is to virtually place the observer inside the plane of the image at the point assigned initial C, with the nearby elements appearing larger and the more remote elements, much smaller.

In today's image I stationed the observer at -1.40115518995 on the X-axis, near the limit of the main body of the Mandelbrot set.  The things this does to the set are dramatic, thus the rating of !!!.  The question asked in the name "What Happened Here" will be answered when the image is viewed.

In the actual M-set, the successive buds grow ever smaller as we travel out the negative X-axis.  But by stationing the observer at the limit of the string of buds, as I have done in the image, I have negated this size decrease and made all the buds nearly the same size.  The resulting image resembles nothing as much as a centipede with 15+ segments.

Unfortunately, the image is a very slow one, growing ever slower as it progresses and taking nearly an hour to finish.  I have sent the finished image on ahead to Paul at the FOTD web site.  Hopefully, he will have it posted soon.

The FOTD web site may be accessed at:

To set things straight about how I feel about global warming, IMO, the earth is getting warmer because we're still coming out of the most recent ice age.  And only a small percentage (one-percent or so) of this warming is due to man's activity.

Little or nothing can now be done to slow the natural warming, so instead of futilely spending vast amounts to stop the warming, we should be spending the money preparing for the minor but inevitable sea-level rise of an inch or two in the coming century, and at the same time developing renewable non-polluting energy sources.

IMO, the most amusing part of the hyped-up global-warming 'crisis' is watching the hated big corporations using it as a sales pitch, and the easily manipulated masses buying 'green' products, thinking they are helping to save the earth when they are actually only enriching the hated big corporations.

Heavy clouds, steady rain and a temperature of 52F 11C kept man and cats alike indoors here at Fractal Central on Tuesday.  There was enough work to keep the man's mind off the outside conditions, but the fractal cats seemed fascinated by the dripping rain and spent several hours on their window shelf, trying to make sense of all the water.

The next FOTD will be posted in 24 hours.  Until then, take care, and I see it's the cockroaches behind the conspiracy to end the world.  That's a relief.  I thought it was the aliens from the Herculean cluster.  (Actually, the roaches might do the best job of running things.)

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

What_Happened_Here { ; time=0:45:36.12-SF5 on P4-2000
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=slices.frm
  formulaname=MandelbrotFunct function=ident/exp
  center-mag=-10.0738/0/0.1943703/0.6014 params=0/0/\
  -1.40115518995/0 float=y maxiter=275000 inside=0
  logmap=yes symmetry=xaxis periodicity=0 passes=1
  viewwindows=1/0.5/yes/0/0 mathtolerance=0.05/1
  zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz }

frm:MandelbrotFunct {; Jim Muth  real(c),imag(c)
z=fn1(p1), c=fn2(pixel)+p2:
|z| < 16 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================