May 21, 2013: The Littlest Angle May 19 May 25 2013 FOTD Home
  Rating M-6, A-6

littlest angle

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:  

Today's image is named "The Littlest Angle", not "The Littlest Angel", which is a Christmas story.  I gave it this name because when I first saw the fractal object, it resembled a tiny angel, but when I zoomed in, it turned into the curious angular pattern in the image.  The scene was created by the HyperMandelbrot2 formula, though it could just as easily have been created by the hard-coded 'manzpwr' formula.

The location is on the X-axis, on the western edge of Seahorse Valley of the parent HyperMandelbrot set, which has begun to collapse into the X-axis.

Typical 4-D overlapping and blending fills the scene, the features with the lower iteration count always prevailing.

The whole image rates a 6 for both mathematical and artistic worth.  Actually, the artistic value could have been raised a point or so if I had replaced the sickly green outer regions with a healthier hue.

Perhaps the best feature on the image is its very brief calculation time of 45 seconds.  The web sites can cut this time even more.

Lots of sun prevailed all morning here at Fractal Central, leading to a sunny afternoon with a temperature of 90F 32C, which was quite warm enough to please the fractal cat, who kept busy watching for stray cats.  In the human department, the most exciting event came in the morning when two aspiring tomcats got into a fight in the back yard.

The next FOTD will be posted when the time is right, which means at any time more than 20 hours from now.  Until whenever, take care, and there has been another disaster.  I wonder why, in times of such disasters, people pray for help to the same power that sent the disaster or could easily have prevented it, but decided instead to sit on its divine butt and blithely watch its so-called beloved children suffer.

I guess we feel it's necessary to keep the faith even when it makes no rational sense.  But we surely do admit our ignorance and confusion when we lamely state that God works in mysterious ways.  As I see it, something must be very wrong with our popular image of God.  When I get to the divine throne to be judged, I'll bring a good defense lawyer and have lots of questions to ask the judge!

BTW, Despite all this, I am a confirmed believer. (In what? IMHO, there is no super human being "up there" zapping people. There is a force of creation, a force of destruction, and a force of love which people can tap into by praying for each other. - FL)

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

The_Littlest_Angle { ; time=0:00:45.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  params=0/0/0/0/0/0/0.03/0 float=y maxiter=1750
  inside=255 logmap=218 periodicity=0

frm:HyperMandelbrot2 {; periodicity must be turned off
|a|+|b| <= 100 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================