May 16, 2013: 17-Year Minibrot May 15 May 17 2013 FOTD Home
  Rating M-7, A-7

17-year minibrot

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:  

Today's image lies on the main spike of an oversized Mandelbrot set that is just starting to morph into a Z^17+C Mandeloid.  The first signs of transition are already visible from the surface, in the finer detail.  Today's scene lies just inside the point where the main spike is cut off by the escape radius.  A small outzoom will show how close it lies.

The name "17-Year Minibrot" refers to the generating formula, and also to the 17-year cicadas, (magiciada septemdecem), which are due to emerge in the Fractal Central vicinity in a few weeks.

I rendered the image with the outside set to 'tdis'.  This gave the image enough detail to make it interesting.

Both the mathematical and artistic ratings are 7, which means that both are somewhat above average.  The calculation time of 15 seconds will probably be cut by at least half on a SOTA (state of the art) machine, but the minor annoyance of setting up and running this letter as a parameter file will remain.  This minor annoyance can be eliminated at the web sites.

Really pleasant weather was appreciated as best as possible by those here at Fractal Central today.  The fractal cat questioned the partly cloudy skies, but approved of the temperature of 82F 28C.  The fractal humans alternated between commercial work and weather enjoyment.

The next FOTD will be posted in the near future.  Until the near future arrives, take care, and terrorists are said to be enemies of freedom, which I guess gives us the right to over-run their land and drop bombs on them.  But I fail to see how anyone could be an enemy of freedom.

Would the terrorists rather be slaves than free people, or could they simply be fighting back as best they can against what they see as our aggressive intrusion into their sovereign territories?  After all, some people say we must keep them suppressed if we are to maintain access to the raw materials in their territories that we need to maintain our comfortable but extravagant life style.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

17-year_Minibrot   { ; time=0:00:15.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=allinone.frm
  formulaname=DivideBrot3 center-mag=-23.99999459284\
  184/0/3.647139e+011 params=15/12/475.99974045665/0
  float=y maxiter=15000 inside=0 outside=tdis
  symmetry=xaxis periodicity=6 mathtolerance=0.05/1
  KKz3bzfjznrzvjzqbzmWzhOzd }

frm:DivideBrot3   { ; Jim Muth
z=0, c=pixel, a=real(p1),
b=imag(p1), d=real(p2)+100:
|z| < d }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================