May 1, 2013: Sasquatch Bigfoots | April 30 | May 2 | 2013 | FOTD Home |
Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:
Today's image
reminds me of bigfoot footprints. Bigfoots (not 'bigfeet') are
also known as sasquatches, so I named today's image "Sasquatch
Bigfoots". These enigmatic creatures cannot possibly exist.
If they did, we would long since have found hard evidence of their
existence such as their bodies, excrement and dwelling places.
But despite the impossibility, many people still claim to have seen
bigfoots, and unless one is a hard core devoted CSICOP-type skeptic, it
is hard to believe that every one of these people are mistaken or lying.
Today's image gives proof that bigfoots are lurking around FC. I
mixed 1/10 part of Z^2 with one part of Z^(-1000) and found the proof I
was not really searching for. This unlikely combination of
parameters produced an oversized parent fractal that appears to be a
Mandelbrot set with flat disks filling the smaller buds and floating in
the center of the larger buds as well as the main bay.
The situation looked rather hopeless at first, but knowing how tricky
fractals can be, I checked Seahorse Valley of the large minibrot on the
main stem of the parent, where two disks are tangent, and found an
interesting area of chaos. This area is where the bigfoots
thrive, and it took little additional time to find the evidence.
If I had found an actual bigfoot, I might have rated the image at a
10. As it is, with only the mysterious footprints to show, I
could give a rating no higher than 7-1/2.
Perhaps the best feature of the image is its starship speed of 20
seconds. But be warned, when calculated at faster-than-light warp
speed, the image finishes before it is started. So be sure to
avoid the time paradox that would result if you failed to start the
calculation after the image had appeared on the screen. Or better
still, forget such time-travel paradoxes by checking the image on one
of the web sites.
The weather was absolutely perfect here at Fractal Central today.
Perfection is described by a cloudless deep blue sky, pleasantly warm
sun, gentle breezes, low humidity and a temperature of 75F 24C.
The fractal cat took it in stride. FL spent the afternoon
puttering in her garden, while I took a pleasant walk to the
Susquehanna River, which is 1/2 mile from FC, 1/2 mile wide, and home
to a variety of common eastern water fowl.
The next FOTD will appear, though not by magic, in the proper universal
time. Until whenever, take care, and be aware that, according to
relativity, there is no universal time.
Jim Muth
START PARAMETER FILE=======================================
Sasquatch_Bigfoots { ; time=0:00:20.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
formulaname=MandAutoCritInZ function=ident
/9.344237e+007/1/-7.5/0 params=0.1/2/1/-1000/0/\
800/0/0 float=y maxiter=300 inside=0
logmap=33 periodicity=6
QSzRUzSVzSYzqXzpVznUzmSzl }
frm:MandAutoCritInZ {; Jim Muth
a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(((-a*b*g*h)^j)+(p4)),
k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
|z| < l }
END PARAMETER FILE=========================================