May 26, 2011: Fractal-Tree Cells May 25 May 27 2011 FOTD Home
 Rating 7


Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:

Today's image takes us back to the original fractal tree that appeared as the FOTD for May 23, 2011.  Today, instead of focusing on the entire tree, we venture deep into its fractal wood to check its internal cellular structure.

What we find there is a field of strange flattened cells that look like they have been squashed in a press.  But even more startling is that the field of cells appears to stretch into the distance toward a horizon, making a scene that could possibly exist on an alien planet circling another star.  It's not so unexpected.  After all, in the original discussion I did comment that these fractal trees also make good alien landscapes.

To bring out the landscape effect, I gave the sky a shade of deep blue, which might be found on a planet with a thinner atmosphere than earth's.  Luckily, unlike on Mars, there is no dust in this atmosphere to spoil the purity of the blue sky overhead.

The name "Cells of a Fractal Tree" describes the coral-colored objects in the image.  The rating of a 7 indicates that I consider the image to be above average but not exceptional.

Total sunshine prevailed here at Fractal Central on Wednesday.  The sun, along with the temperature of 82F 28C, made it one of the finest days of the belated spring.  The fractal cats passed the day lazily watching the world go by, but snapped to full alertness when Cassie spotted a bedraggled long-haired white cat prowling in the back yard garden.

The humans' day was acceptable.  Other than working, I spent much of the day watching the tornado action on the Weather (and advertisement) Channel.  FL spent some time working on her 'CrossScan' puzzles and hoping they become a big hit.  I helped her hope.  The next FOTD will be posted in 24 hours.  Until then, take care, and if at first you don't succeed, try and try again -- and then give up.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Fractal-Tree_Cells { ; time=0:01:00.06-SF5 on P4-2000
  reset=2004 type=julzpower center-mag=+0.1591795970\
  params=-0.1964/0/1.5/0 float=y maxiter=1500
  bailout=25 inside=0 logmap=122 periodicity=6
  iIJkGImEGoDErBCtaWibZhc`f }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================