March 18, 2014: A Bad Case of Zits March 17 March 19 2014 FOTD Home
  Rating A-7, M-7

bad case of zits

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:  

Today's image is a scene in the East Valley of a skeletized Mandeloid in the parent fractal that results when a Mandelbrot set is corrupted by (1/Z) energies.  This parent has other Mandeloids strung along its X-axis, some of which could be quite interesting.

The art and math aspects both rate a 7.  I think the image is at least a little above average, even though the name "A Bad Case of Zits" is not likely to enhance the artistic impression.  But don't blame me for the name.  I'm only reporting what I saw in the image.

The zits can be made larger or smaller by changing the real(p2) parameter.  Increasing its value makes the zits smaller; decreasing the value makes them larger.  But don't go too far in either direction.  Things could get totally out of control.

The calculation time of just over 2 minutes is fair enough.  It's too bad that real life zits can't be banished this quickly.

The day began cloudy and dreary here at Fractal Central, but the clouds cleared away shortly after midday, leading to a very pleasant afternoon with a temperature of 45F +7C.  The fractal cats took turns enjoying the sun on the shelf, both wishing the other would choose another non-activity, while the humans, no longer sure whether they are liberal or conservative, or whether there is any difference, pondered the world situation.

The next FOTD will be posted in the proper time, which most often means the next day.  Until whenever, take care, and I just watched the second in the TV series of 'Cosmos' remakes.  The message I got from the program is that, in the dispute over the thoreies of intelligent design versus random natural selection, the natural selection theory is the winner, at least in the rationalist camp.  My advice to the series producers is to make their agenda a little less obvious and find some background music that could put a little more spirit into their series.  Of course, I'm not sure that rational skeptics want anything to do with spirits.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

A_Bad_Case_of_Zits { ; time=0:02:10.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=FinDivBrot-2 function=recip passes=1
  /1.61e+007/1/42.5/0 params=-1/-100/400/0 float=y
  maxiter=2000 inside=0 logmap=-200 periodicity=6
  CzPCzXCzheztzzzzzzezzCzzC }

frm:FinDivBrot-2   { ; Jim Muth
z=(0,0), c=pixel, a=-(real(p1)-2),
esc=(real(p2)+16), b=imag(p1):
|z| < esc }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================