March 31, 2011: Little Lost Orphan | March 29 | April 1 | 2011 | FOTD Home |
Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:
Do not try to recreate today’s image from the included
parameter file, which contains only the 3-D transform
information. To view the image, you must go to the FOTD web
site at:
where Hal has posted it.
Today’s image is named “Little Lost
Orphan” because it has lost its parent fractal. It
is an image from years ago, when I briefly experimented with making 3-D
transforms of type=plasma images. Such transforms can make
rather convincing landscapes, but for some reason I quickly grew bored
with the icy images. A few rather impressive scenes showed up
before I turned to the 4-D Julibrot stuff however.
The type=plasma image to which the transform was originally applied was
long ago discarded, but today’s parameter file may be applied
to any other type=plasma image (or any Fractint image at all) to create
different landscapes, so feel free to create as many scenes as your
adventurous heart desires. (The process is a bit convoluted,
so I recommend reading the 3-D transform instructions.)
I have no idea how today’s image might compare with what
might be possible using the 3-D transform feature on type=plasma
images, so I could give the image no rating.
The calculation time of 3-1/3 minutes is the time it took for the
original transform to calculate on the old 80486-100mhz
machine. On modern units, the image would finish in a matter
of seconds.
A bit of good news is that the start of my own FOTD web site has been
uploaded and needs only a bit of link-tweaking before being made public.
In view of all this excitement, do not forget the original web site at:
Tuesday brought lots of sun and a temperature of 50F 10C to Fractal
Central. Wednesday brought heavy clouds and similar
temperatures. The fractal cats enjoyed the sun on Tuesday and
complained about the lack of it on Wednesday.
My day, as well as FL’s day, was quite busy both Tuesday and
Wednesday. Things that do not work right keep popping up on
the web site. But the goal is in sight, so all that patience
will soon be rewarded. The next FOTD will be posted in 48
hours or so. Until then, take care, and I have lots of
answers but I’ve lost the questions.
Jim Muth
START PARAMETER FILE=======================================
Little_Lost_Orphan { ; time= 0:03:20.36-SF5 on P4-2000
3d=yes scalexyz=125/100 roughness=125
waterline=45 filltype=6 lightsource=1/-1/1
smoothing=7 randomize=5 ambient=20 rotation=73/0/0
perspective=160 xyshift=0/0
END PARAMETER FILE=========================================