March 23, 2012: Cheap Satisfaction March 22 March 24 2011 FOTD Home
  Rating 7.5

cheap satisfaction

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:

Today's image is named "Cheap Satisfaction".  Unfortunately, the word 'cheap' often implies a lack of quality, so "Less Expensive Satisfaction" might have been a better name.  This name would not have fit into the 18-character space however.

The less-expensiveness refers to the parent fractal -- the one and only Mandelbrot set, which in the Fractint program has been programmed for top speed, and despite its almost hackneyed familiarity, still holds an infinity of unseen images.  An image such as today's, with its calculation time of under 15 seconds, must certainly be considered cheap.

The unusually rich minibrot in the image lies in a spiral in a mini Julia set on a filament in the south branch of the Seahorse Valley of the large minibrot on the west branch of the filament extending from the large period-3 bud on the north shore of the main bay of the Mandelbrot set.  (Try to read this aloud without taking a breath.)

I might have given the image a rating a point or so higher than the 7-1/2, but when I saw the final fractal, the colors impressed me as being somehow too busy and overly gaudy.

One thing that no one can complain about however is the calculation time, which even at the indicated 15 seconds is far too slow.  On many machines the image will be finished before the monitor can switch to super-vga mode -- an incredibly small price to pay for any fractal.

The day began with fog here at Fractal Central, giving the impression of a dreary day to come, but by late morning the fog cleared off, leading to a very pleasant afternoon with lots of hazy sun and a summer-like temperature of 79F 26C.  The fractal cats enjoyed the sun while the humans, who were too busy to enjoy the sun, merely observed it.

The next FOTD is due to be posted in 24 hours.  But tomorrow is Saturday, and the Saturday FOTD's are often rather late, so there is no guarantee of promptness.  Until then, take care, and strive to bring justice to others, but don't expect to receive it in return.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Cheap_Satisfaction { ; time=0:00:10.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=mandel center-mag=-0.1623501688944\
  752/+1.035181817925384/1.317e+012/1/-8/0 params=0/0
  float=y maxiter=8400 inside=0 logmap=1025
  periodicity=6 mathtolerance=0.05/1
  zozzozzpzzpzzqzzqzzrzzrzz }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================