June 26, 2014: Retrogression June 24 June 29 2014 FOTD Home
  Rating A-7, M-3


Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:  

Today's image is a scene moderately deep in the southwest branch of the valley enclosing the large period-3 sub-bud on the northwest shore line of the main bud of the Mandelbrot set.

The math aspect of the image rates only a 3.  After 30 years of exploration, there is little new math stuff to be found in the Mandelbrot set, at least at today's depth of just under 10^(10).

The art aspect rates a 7 however.  This is in recognition of the modicum of extra effort I put into the colors, which originated with one of the built in color palettes of Fractint.

The name "Retrogression" implies a turning back to earlier times, and as far as fractals go, it is hard to turn back to anything earlier than the Mandelbrot set.

The most unusual thing in the image is the un-necessarily high maxiter, which causes the solid black background that brings out the underlying patterns.  Something extra was needed.  In the M-set, unless something special is done, the higher order valleys tend to look more and more alike.

The calculation time of one minute is a rough estimate.  But regardless of the machine, the wait will be brief.  And visiting the web sites can eliminate all waiting.

After a day of thunder yesterday, today turned out quite pleasant, with partly cloudy skies, lower humidity and a temperature of 86F 30C.  Both the fractal cats and humans approved of the conditions, though the younger cat appeared more concerned with pigeons than the weather.

The next FOTD will be posted in the near future.  Until the near future arrives, take care, and the more books I read that try to explain quantum mechanics, the more I realize that over-educated physicists are making claims even goofier than the mystics and paranormal believers whose claims they so vigorously try to deny.  In today's world, I often wonder what ever happened to the days when studying science led to clear rational thinking?

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Retrogression      { ; time=0:01:00.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=mandel passes=1 inside=255
  8.151629e+009/1/91.5/0 params=0/0 float=y bailout=9
  maxiter=100000 logmap=-5500
  0880880770770660660550000 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================