July 4, 2014: Cloven Hoof July 1 July 6 2014 FOTD Home
  Rating A-5, M-7

cloven hoof

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:  

Today's image is a scene in the Mandeloid that results when the expression Z^(2.1)+C is calculated only 1 level up the hyperladder with no function applied.  This parent fractal vaguely resembles a Mandelbrot set rotated 180 degrees with an unusually broad Seahorse Valley neck.  Today's scene lies in the Seahorse Valley of a larger minibrot on a filament extending from the period-4 bud on the south shore line of the main bay of the parent fractal.

The large open area at the center is actually an order-2.1 minibrot, but judging from its cloven-hoof shape, one would never guess it.  The shape of this minibrot of course, is the reason for the name "Cloven Hoof".

The appearance of such an unlikely shape in such an unexpected location hints at the presence of the forces of evil.  The cloven hoof has long been symbolically associated with evil and especially with the prince of evil himself -- the devil!

I myself have no belief in an anthropomorphic devil, which to me is a symbolic representation of the inherent weaknesses of humanity, though there are certainly enough people in this bible-belt area of Pennsylvania who still do believe in such a being, and actually try to convince others that he does exist and is waiting to receive their condemned souls if they do not change their ways.

So, at the risk of eternal damnation, I present today's image in a frivolous manner.  The cloven hoof is certainly only a curious accidental shape, or could it be that . . .

The art rates a 5.  I don't want to give the devil more credit than he already has.  The math rates a 7.  Could it be possible that demonic forces have already worked their way into the realm of numbers?

With a calculation time of 20 minutes, the image is surprisingly slow.  Some of this could be due to the maxiter of 4200 . . . or could it be a sign that the forces of evil are already infecting the image?

Rather unusual Independence Day weather prevailed today here at Fractal Central.  The usual conditions are haze, heat and humidity with a threat of rain on the fireworks displays.  But today brought photoshop blue skies, puffy white clouds, low humidity and a temperature of only 73F 23C.  The fractal cats would have enjoyed the day if the occasional firecracker explosions had not kept them on the alert.  The humans enjoyed the day anyway.

The next FOTD will be posted in a day or two.  Until whenever, take care, and why is it so hard to separate the good from the evil in the real world conflicts?

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Cloven_Hoof        { ; time=0:18:00.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=MandelbrotBC3 function=ident
  /6.627618e+008/1/-62.5/0 params=2.1/0/1/0 float=y
  maxiter=4200 inside=0 periodicity=6
  04803602401205ZG4XF4WE4UE }

frm:MandelbrotBC3   { ; by several Fractint users
  e=p1, a=imag(p2)+100
  |Z|<a }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================