July 3, 2012: Elephant Action July 1 July 4 2011 FOTD Home
 Rating 7

elephant action

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:

Big disappointment! . . . there was no FOTD for July 2.  The reason is that I failed to find a fractal worth being made public.  I think I might be growing too critical of my work, yet at the same time I wonder what is better -- a catalog of thousands of merely acceptable one-a-day images that will soon be forgotten, or one or two really outstanding super-high-definition images that will make some notable change in the public appreciation of fractal images.

Today's image definitely falls in the one-a-day category.  It is a scene in the east valley of a Mandelbrot set corrupted in its depths by Z^(31) energies.  The elephants that inhabit this area are clearly evident in the overall quadratic pattern; the strangeness lies in the minibrots, which are of the Z^(31) variety rather than the expected quadratic kind.

The name "Elephant Action" refers to the contortions suffered by the elephants that fill the image.  The image is also filled with obvious holes.  Most of these holes are smaller minibrots, but many are the centers of bottomless pits that are open because of an insufficient maxiter.  I prefer to keep maxiters on the low side because of both the better distribution of colors when the 'logmap' is in effect, and the faster calculation times.

The rating of a 7 is FOTD average.  Like so many images, it is held down by too much familiarity.  I did put some extra effort into smoothing the colors, but with such broad bands and only 256 colors, the band edges are quite obvious.

The calculation time of 2-1/3 minutes will pass quickly.

A rather hot but reasonably dry partly-cloudy day passed uneventfully here at Fractal Central today.  The temperature reached 93F 24C, but with a humidity of only 29-percent, the comfort rating remained within reason.  The fractal cats, who are getting up in years, slept through most of the afternoon.  The fractal humans, who are also getting up in years, worked for most of the day.

The next FOTD will be posted in a day or two.  Until whenever, take care, and I hear they might have discovered the Higgs particle, which some are calling the 'God Particle' because it creates the universe by giving mass to the particles the universe is made of.  The discovery has yet to be confirmed however.

All this is well and good, but now the question could become, 'what creates the god particle?'

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Elephant_Action    { ; time=0:02:20.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=MultiExp function=recip
  /9423088/1/125/0 params=31/50 float=y maxiter=1500
  inside=0 logmap=292 periodicity=6
  JvzHzzGzzFzzDzzCzzBzz9zz8 }

frm:MultiExp   { ; Jim Muth
z=(0,0), c=pixel, a=-(real(p1)-2),
|z| < 100000000 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================