Jan. 13, 2014: Popcorn Eruption Jan. 12 Jan. 14 2014 FOTD Home
Rating A-8, M-7

popcorn eruption

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:  

Today's parent fractal is an oversized Mandelbrot set corrupted in its depths by Z^(2.5) energies.  And as a quick glance will reveal, the corruption is not limited to the depths.  The main spike of the parent is infinitely fractured, which has a great effect on the minibrots strung along it.

Today's image lies not far beyond the largest minibrot on the spike, in the chaos between two totally separated smaller minibrots that once were a single minibrot.  The actual location is very close to the negative X-axis.

The fractional part of the exponent of Z means the image must have discontinuities, though they are quite subdued.  The most obvious one extends out from the central minibrot and heads just east of north.  This discontinuity breaks the symmetry of the pattern around the minibrot, which merely adds interest to the overall scene.

The name "Popcorn Eruption" was inspired by the popcorn-like elements in the four major lobes of the pattern.  This popcorn earned the art a rating of an 8.  The extra stub near the discontinuity earned the math a rating of a 7.

The calculation time of a fireball 40 seconds will prevent boredom from arising once the task of setting up the parameter file is completed.  Checking the finished image on the web sites will eliminate even this task.

A mix of clouds and sun made today reasonably pleasant here at Fractal Central.  The temperature of 45F +7C actually felt mild for the season.  The fractal cats had an average day just like the humans enjoyed.

The next FOTD will certainly be posted, though the exact time is still in question.  Until whenever, take care, and I'm not sure if I am a progressive conservative or a conservative progressive . . . . or is there a difference?  One thing I do know however is that, despite being considered an Atheist, I do believe in a conscious creative energy.

Jim (never discuss politics or religion) Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Popcorn_Eruption   { ; time=0:00:40.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=MultiExp function=recip
  /7.491976e+008/1/-162.5/0 params=2.5/100 float=y
  maxiter=2500 inside=0 logmap=102 periodicity=6
  AzzCzzDzzEzzFzzFzzGzzGzzD }

frm:MultiExp   { ; Jim Muth
z=(0,0), c=pixel, a=-(real(p1)-2),
|z| < 100000000 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================