January 15, 2012: Reverse Fractal | Jan. 13 | Jan. 16 | 2011 | FOTD Home |
Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:
try to keep the FOTD on its regular daily schedule, but perfection
seems to always elude me. This time I became more concerned
in formula writing than actually finding fractals, which occupied me
most all day Saturday, resulting in another day with no FOTD.
(Hey, the world didn't end.) Only one worthwhile new formula
emerged however, and even that one is more a reworking of an older
formula than an all-new one.
Yes, you read it right. Today I am rolling out the MultiExp
formula, which draws fractals with minibrots that can be morphed
between quadratic and any other higher order. And as long as
the 'other' order is a whole number, the minibrots will have none of
those annoying discontinuities that spoil fractals such as those
created by an expression such as Z^(2.5)+C.
Unlike most of my formulas, with up to 10 variables, the MultiExp
formula has only 2 parameters. The real part sets the 'other'
order; the imag part controls the degree of morphing. When
the imag part is set to zero, the fractal is a perfect Mandeloid of the
'other' order. When it is increased,
the fractal it draws gradually morphs into the Mandelbrot
When it is set to a negative value, the fractal morphs into a
Mandelbrot set rotated 180 degrees. A nuisance I have not yet
worked out is that the entire fractal quickly increases in size as the
imag parameter is increased. (I corrected this deficiency,
which appeared earlier in a similar formula, when I wrote the
AllNewDivideBrot formula a couple years ago, but in doing so, I robbed
the earlier formula of much of its potential.)
At first glance, the parent fractal of today's image is an oversized
Mandelbrot set much too large to fit on the screen. An out
zoom is needed to bring it onto the screen. Today's image
lies in some order-7 debris still filling the inside of the large
minibrot on the main stem.
I named it "Reverse Fractal" because the elements appear to be pointing
in toward the central minibrot rather than radiating outward from
it. The rating of a 7-1/2 might have been higher if I had
given the coloring a bit more time.
Perhaps the best feature of the image is its very fast calculation time
of 45 seconds, which will leave little time for disappointment to build
if the image lays an egg.
Today here at Fractal Central began with a snow shower and a
temperature of 10F -12C. The rest of the day brought lots of
sun, but the temperature topped out at only a very chilly 25F -4C,
which kept the fractal cats lurking around the radiators. FL
escaped the worst of the cold by spending the day with a friend back in
Baltimore, where the temperature reached 36F +2C.
The next FOTD will be posted in 24 hours. Until then, take
care and maybe the universe was created by a great fractal.
And maybe one of these days I'll reveal my beliefs about religion, but
today is not that day.
Jim Muth
START PARAMETER FILE=======================================
Reverse_Fractal { ; time=0:00:45.00 SF5
at 2000MHZ
reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
formulaname=MultiExp function=recip passes=1
/1/20/0 params=7/10 float=y maxiter=1500 inside=0
logmap=50 periodicity=6
zYczWczVczTczSczQczgczgcz }
frm:MultiExp { ; Jim Muth
z=(0,0), c=pixel, a=-(real(p1)-2),
|z| < 100000000 }
END PARAMETER FILE=========================================