January 22, 2011: Five-Eighths There | Jan. 21 | Jan. 23 | 2011 | FOTD Home |
and enthusiasts:
Today's image takes us back once again to the parent almost-Mandelbrot
set fractal of the Jan. 8 FOTD image. This time I checked the
trunk of the period-46 elephant on the southern side of the
valley. Only a slight distance into the trunk I found a
quadratic minibrot caught morphing into a quintic minibrot.
Today's scene lies in a chunk of left-over quadratic stuff inside the
main bay of this minibrot.
The much smaller minibrot at the center of today's image lies just
beyond the limit of resolution, but it is a purely quintic
one. The outer elements surrounding the minibrot are
quadratic stuff however, which leads to a diamond-shaped area of
confusion where one type of stuff changes to another.
The rating of a 7 indicates that the image is a cut above
average. The name "Five-Eighths There" came about when I
noticed the normal 2,4,8,16... quadratic series going through the area
of confusion before changing into the unlikely quintic series of
5,25,125,625... The name doesn't make much sense, but a name
is a name, and this will be the name of today's image.
The calculation time of 5 minutes is a bit of a burden. The
burden may be lifted however by surfing down to the current FOTD web
site at:
The original web site at:
is still worth a look.
Due to the rush here at FC on Friday, my own FOTD web site made no
progress. There is no time limit however, and before long the
site will be up and running.
About 3-1/2 inches (9cm) of snow fell overnight Thursday here at
Fractal Central, which meant a Friday morning of sidewalk
clearing. The fractal cats gave moral support by watching
from the window, while FL kept the coffee hot and the work
moving. Friday afternoon was partly cloudy, with snow
flurries, brisk winds and steadily falling temperatures, which reached
19F -7C by sunset, with a forecast low of +7F -14C.
The rest of the humans' day was again quite busy, which seems to be
more the rule than the exception these days. Maybe it's a
sign of the improving economy. The next FOTD will be posted
in 24 hours. Until then, take the usual care, and when
someone wonders about the meaning of life, tell them the question is
meaningless and see if they consider the answer satisfactory.
Jim Muth
START PARAMETER FILE=======================================
Five-Eighths_There { ; time=0:04:31.66-SF5 on P4-2000
reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
formulaname=FinDivBrot-2 function=recip float=y
/8e+012/1/-75/0 params=5/500000000.0/0/0 logmap=724
passes=1 maxiter=5000 inside=0 mathtolerance=0.05/1
Nu_Nt_Nt_Nt_Nt_Nt_Nt_Nt_N }
frm:FinDivBrot-2 { ; Jim Muth
z=(0,0), c=pixel, a=-(real(p1)-2),
esc=(real(p2)+16), b=imag(p1):
|z| < esc }
END PARAMETER FILE=========================================