January 4, 2006: Luna Moth | Jan. 3 | Jan. 5 | 2006 | FOTD Home |
and enthusiasts:
The Fractint version of today's discussion is short. Most of
energy went into writing the philofractal version of the discussion,
which is far longer and wanders into the field of popular
Today's image is part of the fractal that results when portions of Z
and (1/Z) are combined, and (1/C) is added. I named it "Luna
Moth" when an early version reminded me of one of those large colorful
moths sometimes seen at night. The moth-effect has long since
gone the way of the moths themselves, but the name remains.
The rating of a 5 says it all. Or perhaps it says nothing,
a rating of 5 is average. The render time of under 6 minutes
assures that not too much time will have been wasted if the image
proves disappointing.
Since writing yesterday's FOTD I have been pondering the phenomenon of
precognition, which means receiving hints of things that have not yet
happened. To begin, I must clarify what I mean by
precognition. I do not mean a paid-for cold-reading prophecy
the corner fortune teller, Madam Zucchini. I mean things like
series of extremely vivid and foreboding dreams that I experienced for
7 consecutive nights immediately before 9-11-01.
My first impulse is to state that it is impossible to know anything at
all about the non-predictable events of the future, and to claim that
what I experienced was one of those extremely unlikely coincidences
that do occasionally happen. This is what I would have said
before 9-11 if someone else had told me of an experience similar to my
own. After all, how can precognition be true when the future
not yet happened, and therefore there is nothing to know.
But the dreams did not happen to someone else, they happened to me, and
after experiencing their intensity, I will never be convinced that they
were just another unlikely coincidence. 4-1/4 years ago I was
changed from one who admitted the possibility of the paranormal but
doubted that it existed into one who knows that at least one paranormal
claim is true. This makes a world of difference in my view of
other paranormal claims.
Seeking a natural explanation, skeptics have told me that my dreams,
despite their intensity, were a coincidence. They say that it
my wish for the paranormal to be true that is making me believe that
the dreams were precognitive. But I know from personal
that this is not the answer. Other skeptics have told me that
must have subliminally overheard the terrorists plotting, perhaps when
I was in the local market. This is very remotely possible,
there is no evidence that any of the 9-11 terrorists were ever in the
local area, and it is unlikely that trained terrorists would discuss
their secret plans in a place where they were at risk of being
Fractal lady tells me that I could have picked up the thoughts of the
terrorists by mental telepathy. If this were the case, it
require an entirely unknown kind of non-local radiation to carry the
thoughts. Scientific evidence for mental telepathy is
questionable at best.
After pondering the situation for over four years, I have come to the
conclusion that no explanation limited to our intuitive sequential time
can ever explain precognition. We must simply let go of our
common-sense view of a time stream that flows from past to future at
the same rate throughout the universe, and look to the theory of
relativity for answers.
Relativity reveals that the universe does not consist of a stream of
time flowing through three-dimensional space. In relativity,
there is a single four-dimensional spacetime, with the time dimension
being given a minus sign. Concepts such as past, present and
future are not absolute, but particular to each observer.
that have already happened for one person may be yet to come for
As I see it, spacetime is rather like the four-dimensional Julibrot,
which can be sliced into either Julia or Mandelbrot sets.
viewed from one direction spacetime is perceived as space; when viewed
from a perpendicular direction, it is perceived as time. When
viewed in oblique directions, it appears as various portions of space
and time.
Time is seen as one of the dimensions of spacetime, but what of
spacetime itself? Is it beyond time, eternally frozen, with
future direction as unalterable as the past, or does a higher form of
time flow through it? If spacetime is eternally frozen, then
future is indeed as unalterable as the past, and the things yet to come
already do exist and have always existed in the future direction,
lurking there like mountains, waiting for us to reach them as we move
ineluctably forward in time at the speed of light. There can
no free will. The events of the universe are pre-programmed
a movie. And if this is the case, precognition may be seen as
vague glimpses of the events we have not yet reached.
But what if spacetime itself is flexible? What if it exists
in a
higher version of time? Then the future still lies ahead of
us in
the future direction. It can still be glimpsed, but now it
also be changed. If this is true however, another problem
immediately arises. If 4-D spacetime is flexible, the past as
well as the future may be changed. On the surface, this
absurd. It might be argued that God himself could not change
past. How could something that we remember happening be made
have not happened?
At this point I must lay aside the philosophy and tackle more practical
things. But in a day or two, the discussion will continue.
An overcast, cold, raw, drizzly day here at Old Fractal Central on
Tuesday kept the fractal cats confined to the indoors. They
reasonably peaceful considering the situation, and they fully enjoyed
their extra treat of tuna. My day was notably
The next FOTD will appear in 24 hours, plus or minus an hour or
two. Until then, take care, and if you have done something
simply undo it.
Jim Muth
START PARAMETER FILE=======================================
{ ;
time=0:05:55.56--SF5 on a P200
reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=allinone.frm
formulaname=MandelbrotMix4 function=recip passes=1
params=1/1/1/-1/-1.99/0 float=y maxiter=1000
inside=0 logmap=59 periodicity=10
vTzm4zd0zX0sV0oT0iT0eR0`R }
frm:MandelbrotMix4 {; Jim Muth
a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(-a*b*g*h)^j,
k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
|z| < l }
END PARAMETER FILE=========================================