Feb. 2, 2014: Unresolved Magic Jan. 31 Feb. 3 2014 FOTD Home
  Rating A-5, M-7

unresolved magic

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:  

Today's image illustrates a minibrot in a state of psychological fugue.  It appears to have totally forgotten what it is supposed to look like.  To begin, the minibrot is quite under-resolved, as becomes apparent when the real(p3) parameter is reset to zero.  Next, an under-resolved minibrot is supposed to be empty inside, and not filled with the massive converging arms that fill today's minibrot.  Finally, raising the maxiter of today's image has very little effect on the image.  The resolution of the minibrot does not increase, nor does any new 'material' appear.  The whole thing remains a mystery, which is what inspired the name "Unresolved Magic".

Adding to the mystery is the unexpected hyper-stuff filling the unresolved filaments radiating from the minibrot.  I have yet to check this stuff, which I am seeing for the first time in today's image.  I expect to find little of interest in it however.

The scene is located on the main stem of a larger confused minibrot on the west side of the north branch of Seahorse Valley of the parent Mandelbrot set, which is itself rather confused.

The calculation time of 3 minutes is rather slow, especially for those who enjoy looking at fractals rather than trying to fathom why they exist.  But these fans may find time relief on the web sites.

The heavy clouds and occasional light rain here at Fractal Central today left lots of room for improvement, while the temperature of 39F +4C simply added to the unpleasantness.  The fractal cats, who passed the day getting into harmless tussles, had little time to worry about the weather.  Meanwhile, the fractal humans passed the day wondering what's wrong with our so-called modern civilized world.

The next FOTD will be posted soon, most likely in 24 hours.  Until whenever, take care, and when we explain material things in terms of the mind, we are explaining things little known in terms of things better though still inadequately known, whereas when we explain mental things in terms of matter, we are explaining things inadequately known in terms of things even less known.  (As for me, I know my own mind [me] better than the matter [not me] that I appear to see 'out there'.)

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Unresolved_Magic   { ; time=0:03:00.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=HyperMandelbrot2 passes=1
  1/70/0 params=0/0/0/0/0.5/0/1e-100/0 float=y
  maxiter=1110 inside=0 logmap=-675 periodicity=0
  iUikUkmUmoUoqUqsUsuUuzUwz }

frm:HyperMandelbrot2 {; periodicity must be turned off
|a|+|b| <= 100 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================