Dec. 14, 2014: 8 Tiny Rein-Elephants Dec. 12 Dec. 15 2014 FOTD Home
  Rating A-5, M-5

8 tiny rein elephants

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:  

Today's image is a better version of the most recent image, where the tiny elephants were not all that apparent.  Today's similar scene makes the elephants more apparent.  The name "Eight Tiny Rein-elephants" came after a bit of thought.  Since reindeer can not only fly, but at the same time, can support a sleigh loaded with all the world's toys, why should elephants be unable to at least fly also?  Remember that Dumbo the elephant could indeed fly.

The image, which by present-day fractal standards is decidedly regressive, is a scene in the East Valley of the Mandelbrot set, sliced in an orientation rotated 10 degrees from the Oblate toward the Rectangular directions and stretched about 100 times in the vertical direction.

I put little effort into the coloring, which is basically a repeat of the palette of the most recent image.  As a result I could rate the art no higher than a 5.  The math, involving the 4-D Julibrot, is also old stuff, so the image's math rating is also an average 5.

The calculation time of around one minute is no problem, since the image will be finished well before impatience and boredom raise their ugly heads.  The web sites can eliminate the chore of changing this e-mail letter into a working parameter file.

Cloudy skies and a temperature of 45F +7C made today's weather here at Fractal Central quite forgettable.  The fractal cats had already forgotten the weather before the day began.  The fractal humans, becoming ever more disillusioned with human follies and the so-called governments we have instituted to keep order, passed the day pondering the human condition, FL from a point just left of center, myself from a little farther to the right, but basically both in the center.

We have our disagreements, but we do agree that our country, the U.S., is the world's greatest bully, and this is the main reason we are so widely resented.  We also agree that our present way of life, which squanders the earth's resources, cannot be long maintained in the U.S. much less be spread to all countries.  Increasing dependence on high technology appears to be one of the chief causes of our social problems, and trying to solve these problems with more technology while not understanding the underlying causes will simply hasten the inevitable collapse.

The next FOTD, most likely with much philosophy but little new fractal stuff in it, will be posted in one or two days, that is unless the end comes first.  Until then, take care, and I'll drop the political philosophy when the problems are solved to everyone's permanent satisfaction.

Jim (spreading holiday cheer) Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

8tinyReinElephants { ; time=0:01:00.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=SliceJulibrot4 center-mag=-0.01080074/\
  0/459.847/0.01137/90/0 params=10/90/0/90/0.282781/\
  0/0/0/2/0 float=y maxiter=6400 inside=0 logmap=17
  FzRGz6`zcuzbuzavz`vz_vzbo }

frm:SliceJulibrot4   {; draws all slices of Julibrot
  pix=pixel, u=real(pix), v=imag(pix),
  ca=cos(a), cb=cos(b), sb=sin(b), cg=cos(g),
  sg=sin(g), cd=cos(d), sd=sin(d),
  r=u*sg+v*ca*sb*cg, s=v*sin(a), esc=imag(p5)+9
  c=p+flip(q)+p3, z=r+flip(s)+p4:
  |z|< esc }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================