Dec. 12, 2013: The Rags of Time Dec. 11 Dec. 13 2013 FOTD Home
  Rating A-8, M-8

the rags of time

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts: 

Today's striking image rates an 8, which is a pretty good rating for a fractal that does not exist.  The image is a manifestation of a totally evaporated Julia set, consisting of nothing but inside stuff, which if left unchanged, would be a total blank.  The Mandelbrot set it comes from is also totally blank inside stuff.

The manifestation has nothing to do with the appearance of a religious savior.  It appears when the apparently featureless inside stuff is rendered with an active inside fill such as the bof60, which can dredge up something from nothing.

The reason for the art rating of an 8 is obvious when the image is seen.  The reason for the math rating of an 8 is a bit more subtle, but it assuredly is there.  I chose the name "The Rags of Time" because it has a rather poetic sound to it.  I can see nothing in the image to justify such a name.

The calculation time of a mere 8 seconds can be cut to near 4 seconds by calculating the image with the symmetry set to 'origin'.  If this is still too slow, the web sites are ready to ride to the rescue.

The partly cloudy skies here at Fractal Central today were no problem.  The temperature of 21F -6C was another story however.  The fractal cats had a reasonably quiet day, though 4-month-old fractal kitten Jazzy sometimes annoys 10-year-old fractal cat Nico when she wants to play and he wants to sleep.  A warning hiss or mild growl usually puts her off.  The fractal humans had a day of finishing the seasonal fractal decorations for the holidays, which are Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Solstice and the New Year etc.

The next FOTD will be posted either tomorrow or in 24 hours.  It makes no difference to me.  Until whenever, take care, and sometimes it's hard to keep everyone happy.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

The_Rags_of_Time   { ; time=0:00:08.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basic.frm
  formulaname=DivideBrot5Julia center-mag=0/0/0.73647
  params=-32/4/-0.8186/-0.7005 float=y maxiter=1500
  inside=bof60 logmap=yes symmetry=none periodicity=6
  hBUn1`t2Zq2Xn2Wk3Uh3Te3Rb }

frm:DivideBrot5Julia   { ; Jim Muth
z=pixel, c=(p2), a=real(p1)-2,
|z| < 1000000 }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================