December 17, 2011: Patriotic Overload Dec. 16 Dec. 18 2011 FOTD Home
  Rating 7.5


Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:

Today's image lies in the same parent fractal as yesterday's.  But today, instead of checking East (actually west) Valley, we check the large minibrot on the main spike pf the parent, which is actually a positive spike.

The first thing we find is that this is no ordinary minibrot.  It is a strange thing consisting of a main bay with 3 large lobes -- a north lobe, south lobe and east lobe.  The single main spike terminates in the East Valley of this minibrot, though two large secondary spikes shoot out northeast and southeast beyond it.  Today's scene lies in the valley separating the east lobe of this minibrot from the south lobe.

I named the image "Patriotic Overload" because of the red, white and blue color scheme.  I rated it at a 7-1/2 because the colors are little more than a tweaking of the colors of yesterday's image.

As for the image itself, it will take 2-1/4 minutes of running the parameter file to make a fair judgement.  My own opinion is that the image is mostly splashy coloring rather than true mathematical interest.

Clouds moved in just after sunrise to shut off the sun here at Fractal Central today, while the temperature reached a high of 43F +6C.  With a brisk wind and obscured sun, this felt cold, but actually the day's temperature was above normal, as it has been for several months.  At nightfall the temperature dropped to freezing as a few harmless snow flurries passed over.  The fractal cats must have approved of things, for they chased each other up and down the long FC hallway for a good hour when we returned this evening from the day's activities.

The FC people, FL and I, had an average day of preparing for the holidays, which is hardly worth mentioning, but also real reality, and not the all-too-often contrived reality they show in reality shows on TV.

The next FOTD will be posted in 24 hours.  Until then, take care, and some erudite scholars have shown that people believe in God because our race has evolved a 'god-module' in its brain, which causes us to believe in such irrational things as invisible magicians in the sky.  I guess we must now believe that the universe was created by the sum of all 'god-modules'.  Either this, or it 'just happened'.

My belief is that we will need to transcend reason to solve such problems as creation.  (Come to think of it, science has already transcended reason, but rationalists will not admit it.)

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Patriotic_Overload { ; time=0:02:15.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=MandAutoCritInZ function=ident
  91/7.668013e+008/1/-55/0 params=11/1.9/-11/2.1/0/0\
  /0/0 float=y maxiter=1800 inside=0 periodicity=10
  9076063050040040030020010 }

frm:MandAutoCritInZ {; Jim Muth
a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(((-a*b*g*h)^j)+(p4)),
k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
|z| < l }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================