December 6, 2010: The Great Pyramid Dec. 5 Dec. 7 2010 FOTD Home
 Rating 4+4=8


Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:

Today's image has a strange rating.  In my opinion, the image, which shows a surrealistic view of a pyramid, is worth a rating of an 8.  But I found the image on the 'Fractal Creations' CD, in the 'dodson' directory, under the name 'Martian'.  I could not take full credit for the image, so I split the difference, giving half the credit to Dodson and the other half to myself.

I have no idea who Dodson is, but some real person certainly created the original image, which is a modified rendering of the Sierpinski Gasket.  All I did was take that image and make a few coloring changes, which made the triangle more closely resemble an actual pyramid.

The name "The Great Pyramid" refers not to the one in Egypt, but to the one we once hoped existed on Mars, next to the hill that resembled an alien head.  The Martian head and pyramid have since been found to be merely light-and-shadow effects, but it's still fun to imagine they were sculpted long ago by a vanished race of Martians.

The image finishes in a miraculously brief one second.  This short time leaves no excuse for failing to render the image from the parameter file, unless, that is, the fractalist is burdened by a DOS-illiterate computer or an e-mail program that insists on inserting nonsense characters into the e-mail.

If the image is yet not available on the original FOTD web site, there is a chance I will soon be able to put up a new FOTD web site and keep it current until Paul gets back on his feet.  The original site can be found at:

The cold, blustery conditions continued here at Fractal Central on Sunday, which was a virtual repeat of Saturday.  The fractal cats had a virtual repeat of their Saturday, though with more human company to observe their displeasure.

My day was spent getting caught up in various non-work things.  The next FOTD, almost certainly an original, will be posted in all of 24 hours.  Until then, take care, and then take even more care, but do not take too much care, or nothing will be left.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

The_Great_Pyramid  { ; time=0:00:01.01-SF5 on P4-2000
  reset=0 type=sierpinski center-mag=0.245756/0.2509\
  58/1.155207/1/-135/0 float=y maxiter=1000
  bailout=9999 inside=253 outside=summ
  logmap=yes finattract=y periodicity=0
  WwgWwgWwgWwgWwgWwgWwgWwgW }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================