August 14, 2010: On the Right Side Aug. 13
Aug. 15 2010 FOTD Home
 Rating 8

right side

Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:

Yes, I know that today's image is just another scene on the main spike of the Mandelbrot set, and the Mandelbrot set has been explored almost to the point of infinity, but I kind of like it, so I decided to make it the FOTD for August 14.  The rating of an 8-1/2 includes a full 1-1/2 points for the coloring, which turns a routine 7-image into one that is notably above average.  Setting the bailoutest to 'and' added to the effect.  I very rarely use this feature.  Changing the bailout radius has some effect on the image, though not as great as would be expected.

The scene is located marginally deep in the Seahorse Valley of the second largest minibrot beyond the largest minibrot on the main spike of the parent Mandelbrot set.

The name "On the Right Side" shows that the image lies in the north branch of the parent minibrot's Seahorse Valley, which is on the right hand side when one is looking west.  Looking east, the north branch lies on the left, but that's a story for another FOTD.

The normal calculation time of 1-1/2 seconds is extended to 52 seconds when the bailoutest is set to 'and'.  This is still well within reason.

Heavy clouds hung over Fractal Central all day on Friday.  The rain that fell was insignificant, but the clouds held the temperature to 75F 24C, which made the fractal cats very happy.

My day was about average.  I'll be taking a trip back to Old Fractal Central on Saturday to check out the old place, so don't be surprised if the FOTD for August 15 is late.  Until whenever, take care, and if a time machine were ever invented, would it be able to take us back to a time before the machine was invented?

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

On_the_Right_Side  { ; time=0:00:52.72-SF5 on P4-2000
  reset=2004 type=mandel center-mag=-1.9415543545222\
  params=0/0 float=y maxiter=1800 inside=0 logmap=220
  bailout=5 bailoutest=and mathtolerance=0.05/1
  zzmzzmzzmzzmzzmzzmzzmzzmz }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================