August 3, 2010: Enough Is Enough Aug. 2
Aug. 4 2010 FOTD Home
 Rating 7


Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:

Today we take another fractal trip to the crazy land of anti-bifurcation, which I have very recently discovered, (no, I was not the first), and begun to explore.

Yesterday's FOTD was one of the best, yet to leave room for possible better images, I could rate it no higher than a 9.5.  I have now solved the dilemma.  When the ratings get above 9.5, I will approach a rating of 10 asymptotically.  This way I can always give ratings that are closer to 10, yet never run out of room for a possible better image.  Today's image gives no rating problem however.  Due to its excessively chaotic appearance, it rates a humdrum 7.

The parent fractal of today's image is a Mandelbrot set.  The scene is located in a chunk of debris inside a half-morphed minibrot in an elephant trunk rather deep on the south shore line of East Valley of the parent M-set.  Yesterday's far superior image had a similar location in a debris-filled minibrot near the tip of the main spike of the parent M-set.  Clearly, I must learn more about this anti-minibrot stuff.

I named the image "Enough is Enough" when I became annoyed with all the unwanted detail that fills the image, most of which is a horde of even smaller minibrots.

The calculation time of almost exactly 3 minutes will allow the fractal visionary just enough time to prepare a drink that will enhance the impact of the image.  For maximum impact, I suggest a glass of raspberry iced-tea.

Monday here at Fractal Central brought a lot of nothing.  The temperature of 84F 29C was normal, the partly cloudy skies were normal, the moderate humidity was normal, a sprinkle of rain in the morning was un-notable and mostly un-noticed.  The fractal cats definitely took little notice of the outdoor conditions, since they never get to go outdoors anyway.  They are usually more interested in being fed than being outside cats.

My day was acceptable, which covers a lot of possibilities.  FL was pleased when a neighbor asked her if she would be willing to extend our garden to the neighbor's grounds.  FL is thinking about it.  And I'm thinking about the next FOTD, which will be posted in 24 hours.  Until then, take care, and I was walking down Market Street the other day, when I found the asymptote the man up the street had lost.  I returned it to its rightful owner.

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Enough_is_Enough   { ; time=0:03:00.17-SF5 on P4-2000
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=FinDivBrot-2 function=recip logmap=181
  /4.631165e+013/1/-95/0 params=15/1e+020/0/0 float=y
  maxiter=4500 inside=0 passes=1 mathtolerance=0.05/1
  zIwzMwzPwzTwzWwz_wzbwzfwz }

frm:FinDivBrot-2   { ; Jim Muth
z=(0,0), c=pixel, a=-(real(p1)-2),
esc=(real(p2)+16), b=imag(p1):
|z| < esc }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================