April 8, 2012: Metempsychosis April 6 April 9 2011 FOTD Home
  Rating 8


Fractal visionaries and enthusiasts:

As is apparent by now, there was no FOTD for April 7, nor will there ever be one.  FL and I decided to take the day off and go out and have a good time.

Today's image is named "Metempsychosis".  This does not refer to some weird mental illness, it is another name for reincarnation or the transfer of souls from one physical body to another.  (I leave it to the individual fractalist to decide exactly what a soul is.)  I gave the image this name because it is a rebirth of the numbers of the most recent image, the one for April 6, which I quit working on a bit too soon.

Today's image is a simple but dramatic recoloring of the same image.  Actually, it is not exactly the same image.  The image of April 6 had no logmap in effect, while today's version has a logmap value of 375.  But it is close enough to be virtually identical.

The color palette, which contrasts deep blues with fiery reds and oranges, is not a new one.  It has often been used, but it raises the rating from a humdrum 6 to a very respectful 8.

The calculation time is the same as that of the April 6 image -- a slightly slow 3-1/2 minutes.  The web sites can eliminate the wait however.

Yesterday turned out to be such a perfect early spring day (cloudless skies and temperature of 61F 16C) that FL and I decided to take an expedition out to Bellefonte, which lies 55 miles (US measure) or 88 kilometers (real distance) west of FC, to visit an old movie theater that was turned into an antique emporium.  The fractal cats, who were left behind, apparently slept most of the time we were away, though when we returned to FC we found that they had been active enough to finish the food we left out for them.

The next FOTD will be posted in 24 hours, and that is virtually certain.  Until then, take care, and what are those elusive souls made of? . . . perhaps some of those elusive theorized but undiscovered particles?

Jim Muth

START PARAMETER FILE=======================================

Metempsychosis     { ; time=0:03:30.00 SF5 at 2000MHZ
  reset=2004 type=formula formulafile=basicer.frm
  formulaname=MandAutoCritInZ function=recip float=y
  84e+008/1/-137/0 params=-1.3/-3.3/-3.3/-1.3/0/0/0/0
  maxiter=2500 inside=0 logmap=375 periodicity=6
  VDzXPz_Oz_pzHmzJjzLgzMdzO }

frm:MandAutoCritInZ {; Jim Muth
a=real(p1), b=imag(p1), d=real(p2), f=imag(p2),
g=1/f, h=1/d, j=1/(f-b), z=(((-a*b*g*h)^j)+(p4)),
k=real(p3)+1, l=imag(p3)+100, c=fn1(pixel):
|z| < l }

END PARAMETER FILE=========================================